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July 27, 2009


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Karen in Oregon

Loved this story Nancy ! I once spent hours cracking dense black walnuts with a hammer from a tree planted in the late 1800s. My fingers were brown (here in the US, Native Americans use the outer skins are used to dye yarn), but what a reward. Baked into cookies I actually remember.

Tell us more about "no busy design" pottery with food.

joanne godley

Hi Nancy,

There were pecan trees in the front yard of my Grandparent's house in North Carolina. Your essay brings back pleasant memories of Xmas vacations spent at their house. Our stockings were always stuffed with nuts and fruit from their farm.

I like this phrase: " The pecan reaches deep inside of me so I can taste the heart of the tree"

I have decided that what you are doing is creating food poetry. I enjoy the images you create.



What stories you have inside you, Nancy. I will take the lesson on patience to heart. Fruit appearing only after 10!!! years. Sort of like finding a lover when you least expect it. I have a kiwi that fruits every year but the fruit doesn't ripen. I'm certain that one day it will.

Mike Tommasi

Nice Blog Nancy, I have linked you to mine...

all the best


Peter McCook

I love pecans! Great story!

Jo Lynn in Virginia

So glad to see this post! Love your "recipe" for pecans in their shells- you found a way around the imperative for a cookbook-style format!And the inclusion of wine suggestions is a terrific idea.
Can't wait for the first Georgia pecans...even though they won't hold a candle to yours...


Pecans! My absolutely favorite nut.
How about pecan ice cream? If YOU made the ice cream I
would look forward to eating it-- even though I try to avoid all sweets.


Avoid Chardonnay in general, or just when consuming pecans? I don't know anything about wine and usually don't drink whites.

Really lovely post, Nancy. Isn't it wonderful how love and life can surprise us sometimes?

Rodney Fong

What I love best about your writings, besides the vividness, is that I get to learn a lot about you and Tadaaki, the differences in perspective, whether it be because of cultural differences in your development, or just as people. The patience that Tadaaki has is in contrast to your immediacy. Your writings also make me think of things I haven't thought of in a long time. Nowadays, I think of nuts as something you get in a plastic bag or jar. But then I remember the nut stands in town when I was growing up, and how they aren't there anymore. At Christmastime, there would be fresh hot chestnuts that you would peel open and eat. Most kids today, at least here, don't even know what chestnuts are, except for that Christmas song. Thanks for taking me back in my memories.

Olga Singleton

The dialogue is unique. perfect

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