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January 24, 2010


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Stephanie Manley

You have added a wonderful and unique perspective to the food blogger camp experience. Thanks so much for sharing your insight and David's drink recipe, sounds delicious!


Better Doraemon than Obatarian! So great to meet you at FBC. Thank you for such a lovely write-up that brought it all back. :-)


Wonderful post, so great to meet you Nancy!

Donna Turner Ruhlman

Thank you Nancy, we are all very lucky you decided to travel so far to be there. The positive thing about a confined Club Med experience is the ease in which you were able to find and talk with each other everyday.For me the richness of the trip was all about the people.

Rodney Fong

Not that I didn't enjoy reading about your duck plucking, but this touches at the heart of why I anxiously anticipate reading your blogs. I never thought I would be one to take time and read blogs, but I do so because it's you writing them. I like learning new things about you and your world, the experiences you have gone through and are going through and almost makes me feel like I travel and live vicariously through your writings. I was criticized by my ex-girlfriend from Japan that I was not very worldly (well, she was commenting on Americans in general) and my pool of experiences is limited. This I attribute to my comfort zone, along with my wife's, whose is even narrower. But through you (although I suspect was more worldly than most before you moved to Japan, even for a gaijin). But I digress. I love how your blogs take me inside your world and make me think about mine. It does so and engages in a way that Facebook and Twitter, the more popularly used modes of social interaction, can't. How can you really get to know someone in just a few sentences at a time? Anyway, I must leave now, as my wife just read what I wrote over my shoulder, and was not amused at my categorizing her as narrow in comfort zone. Looking forward to your next post.

Sarah--A Beach Home Companion

I whole-heartedly agree with you about the importance of connecting with others in the food blogging community during our trip. All the work that goes into a blog is more rewarding knowing that there are other people out there who can appreciate it. I look forward to more from you!

Nancy Singleton Hachisu

Stephanie, Diana, Elise, Donna & Sarah: It's funny, I had so much to say about the food blogger camp, but was almost stymied by putting it down on paper. In the end, the piece took on a life of it's own. I wasn't sure how much it would resonate with the food bloggers as it ended up being more about me than the food or the experience. But I will say the camp made a big impact on me and I couldn't agree more with Donna about the "confined Club Med experience." In fact, one day I sat on the deck and wondered if it would even be possible to do elsewhere and came up with the answer, "no." So "not my cup of tea," regardless, I wouldn't change a thing about the Food Bloggers Camp and many kudos to Jaden and David for organizing such a smooth and rewarding event. I also think a lot about what Jaden said about the virtual "gathering around the water cooler," and feel privileged to be part of the community. On to visit your blogs... Nancy

Nancy Singleton Hachisu

Rodney: I'm never quite sure what catches a reader eye in the blog. But I just keep writing about what is happening in our life or what is on my mind in a larger sense. I always appreciate your reflections and thank you for reading because it's "about me." That makes the writing so much more meaningful. I'm not sure how "worldly" I was, but I had traveled a bit before I came to Japan. I think my boys will tell you how picky I am and how unwilling I am to try various foods. Usually, they're forcing some sweet thing on me or a dish that I don't need to taste to know that I won't like it (I've probably had it before here and anyway I can taste with my eyes and nose and inner self). There isn't anything that will get me to eat yaki soba. But I know it is wildly popular. I'd love to see that photo of your trip to Yosemite if you have a scanner. I have an image of Brad and am curious if he is the person I am thinking of. I may post something about Mexican food, but I better get my mochi tsuki post done before the end of January. Timely, I'm not!

Peter McCook

How nice to get out and recharge your batteries with some high voltage fun!

Stephanie - Wasabimon

This was a great recap - you brought me and my wandering, nostalgic mind back to home. Even the motormouth comment, which I'm trying very hard not to be offended by. ;)

I miss you and hope to see you soon, on either side of the Pacific. Want to meet me in Thailand in March?


Lovely post, and I could sure use one of those cocktails right about now! (And how much fun was it surfing those giant waves with you in the morning??)



Shoot. Now I'm even sorrier I didn't go (and I was plenty sorry already!).


I came across you via David Lebovitz on facebook. I really enjoy reading you! : )


It's so refreshing to come across your blog (via Lebovitz on FB)! I've often wondered how much should a blogger share about personal emotions and what he/she is undergoing in life. You've just proven that writing from the heart IS captivating. Thanks for being so open. Thanks for the wonderful post. I didn't get the chance to attend the camp this year, but just like you, I now have a renewed motivation to write and take blogging to the next level. Keep up the good work!

Misaho Inoue

I'm sure you really had a good time in Mexico with good conversaition and fancy atmousphere.
You should be thankful for your husband:>
Those people in the camp must have inspired you so much.
Thank you for sharing your story.

Jody Erenberg

I hope your suitcase made it home with you, so wonderful to read your blog. I can't wait to be a reagular subscriber (which I am trying to do, but can't figure out this "feed" thing). You were a blast to get to know, let me know when you come to LA, would love to see you again. So excited to try some of your dishes....yum, yum. Thanks for the nice compliments, also. Can't wait to try that cocktail!!!

Nancy Singleton Hachisu

Peter: Yeah, all we were missing was the discotheque and it would have brought me back to my old PV days.

Steph: I knew I should have checked motormouth, one word or two. Leave it to a Cal grad to set me straight. Fixed that. So, Thailand in March...that's up with that? You shouldn't mention crazy schemes to me because impulsive is my middle name. As for Feb, coffee at Pizzaiolo or smoked salmon at Swan's? I'll email.

David: Who would have thought we'd be the two intrepid ones out braving the "killer waves" on the day there was a no swim warning. Oops. Well, I suppose living overseas does take a bit of gutsy spirit, don't you think?

Giovanna: You were definitely missed, next time for sure, OK? How about the soba dinner? Any chance of coming?

Amy: Thanks for reading and for your kind words, I always get a charge out of new readers.

Jen: Ah yes, I do tend to speak from the heart. You and me and my other thousands of best friends out there on the Internet (though I don't have a thousand readers). I checked out jencrafted and love the photos, I'm such a novice. I was also captivated by your Tina vignette. Thanks for your thoughtful comments.

Jody: So happy you found me. I've been looking for your email in my inbox. Thanks for taking me under your wing at Club Med. I could tell you knew the ropes. (It was also nice to have my own "friend," especially in those first "I-don't-know-anyone-days." And what an amazing family you have. Friendly doesn't even come close.

Nancy Singleton Hachisu

Inoue-san: Oops, how did I miss replying to you? I had the response "written" in my mind, blame it on aging. Yes, the people in the camp did inspire me. Actually, I am inspired by going out into the world, just as much as I am inspired by being here in Kamikawa. Each could not exist without the other. And while I am certainly thankful for my husband, in the case of the Food Blogger Camp, it was all my doing. I am a "bad American wife," so make my own choices and pay my own way. I guess I have to thank myself (and do). -- Nancy

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