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January 04, 2012


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Sarah O'Toole

Gougeres! I could eat a panful.

Preeva Tramiel

I love gougeres! Since I first cooked them for a journaling class, I have always associated them with writing.


Sarah: Can you believe it? On Thanksgiving there was a whole panful left over that I didn't even cook. I stuck the pan in Baachan's outside bath area and cooked them the next day. They held up well--a testament to Tadaaki's strong eggs. But what was wrong with those people? I think I ate about 6 all by myself. I'm deep into the semi-annual clothes sorting nightmare and am determined to get a handle on it this time. Wait until your boys are teenagers. The lazy bums.

Preeva: Isn't it wonderful how a food can conjure up an association with the time we ate it or cooked it? I love that.

Uncle Jeff

My favorite line
" I go about my life quietly"
Tee hee
Personally gougeres and champagne
Skip the rest


Hey there "Uncle Jeff"--you'd be surprised. Sometimes I do hold my comments inside. Though the problem is they don't like to stay bottled up and tend to erupt at the most inconvenient times. This Christmas Eve and Christmas Eve featured Uncle Jeffrey's on Tadaaki's lovely baby field lettuces whose flavor were concentrated by the cold winter weather. Big hit. BTW, you need a URL link to Frantoio Grove on your name! (It's www.frantoiogrove.com for anyone interested in killer olive oil.)


I loved reading this post. Great photos! Thank you for sharing.


Thanks, "Cocopuff!"


Excellent post, Nancy. Merry Early (now Late) Christmas.


Hey there Garrett, what is this I hear about a book in the works? Melt? Would love to hear the story some day. Not sure I'll make it up to Sac in March. Will you be going to IACP in NYC? Would love to dish. I am getting back into the blogosphere after a rocky year. Will see you on your blog...N.


Lovely post. I so enjoy hearing other people's stories about their holiday traditions (whether traditional or not!) Also, are those mizuna crostini in the photo above?


Hey there Emma. Nice to hear from you. Yes, those were mizuna crostini. I get my bread from Pao in Matsudo-shi (Chiba). They send via takkyubin. Very nice people and good bread: baguette, bârtard, pain au levain, "English" bread...The mizuna was grown by a friend of ours (though I hear from Tadaaki that we have some in the field...oops). I dressed it with beautiful olive oil and lemon juice (squeezed from my homegrown Meyer lemons). I thought the crostini were particularly delicious...but then, I'm mad for greens.


Sounds wonderful! I'd love to try them for myself, though of course the ingredients available here won't even come close to yours in terms of quality and freshness. Alas!

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